Learn to Meditate
Are you curious about meditation, and how to incorporate it into your life?
In the Awareness Insight meditation course you will understand what meditation is and how to develop your own self sufficient practice, so that you can sit anywhere, at any time, zero apps, the old fashioned way.
Learn the tools to navigate a daily practice through all stages and seasons of our human experience and come away with a better understanding of the pitfalls you may face along the way, such as self-sabotage or working through personal blocks. See how meditation can shift your perspective, build resilience, cultivate awareness and become a guiding foundation in your life.
This course is just the beginning of a lifetime of practice and self evolution. With myself as your teacher to support you along the way and a like minded community on a similar path as you.
Upon completion of the foundational course you are are then given access to resit a scheduled course, free of charge as many times as you like.
Additional support through coaching and mentoring sessions are also available. For more information on this service see here.
What you will learn from this course
Part 1.
What is meditation?
Time to break down some myths and perceptions around what meditation actually is.
Learn about the pillars of Awareness Insight meditation and start the process of un-learning some of our conditioned beliefs, and hardwired thought patterns through developing greater self awareness.
Part 2.
Neuroscience & physiology
of Meditation
In part two we learn some science around meditation and discuss interesting facts about our intelligent bodies like what actually happens to our brain and our body when we meditate?
Lets discover more about our stress response and how it influences our life. See how meditation is a key player in making positive shifts in stress management.
Part 3.
The human experience,
some insight.
How do we maintain a solid meditation practice in the real world if we can't disappear into a cave like a devoted yogi? Let's unpack the tricky ego, excuses, self-sabotage & fear.
Learn how to navigate in difficult times as well as understand the conscious, sub conscious and unconscious.
With a few practices together now under our belt we have formulated the foundations for a life changing practice.
The Awareness Insight is a 3 part foundational course that can be taken in a group setting or privately.